One day I woke up, and I woke up wild…
Just like you, I have a journey. My journey is still winding and every flowing, sometimes I trip over obstacles or find myself lost in the dark, but the difference now is that Im resourced, Im rooted in my support, I am resilient when it comes to the discomfort. Its all an adventure now. How did this happen? How did I find my purpose, my light, my Self?
Im an artist in my soul.
I’ve always been an called to art. I grew up in a home scattered with gorgeous paintings by the likes of Brenda Joysmith and thrived in environments where I was free to think creatively. Going against the grind, I graduated from my single gendered, college prep school where I spent years academically oriented and I turned my sites on Art School.
Graduating from Art school with my Bachelors 4 years later, I felt inspired. I spent my college years gaining amazing skills to fuel my creativity and that taught me nuances about business and marketing. I excelled and even got my first “big girl” job 2 weeks before graduating! I was “succeeding”, I was supposed to be comfortable. This is it…right?
What more could I want? I thought I had it all. Sure, I was only doing birthwork part time, but I still felt like I was making a difference. I had accomplished my goals in my relationships, in my career and I figured my life was in a good place to coast. But something wasn’t right. My soul was being called to more. My ancestors were knocking on my door and my intuition was asleep. I was stagnant. I had turned on auto-pilot not only externally but internally as well and worst of all I was creatively burnt out.
The vehicle of my body was in cruise control and I was fast asleep at the wheel.
It took time for me to settle into my wake up call, to fully open my ears and flutter open my third-eye. I started to listen to myself, my soul and my intuition. I knew there was something bigger than my existence then. But this is when the impostor syndrome crept in. Who was I to want the world? How can I truly help people and feel good enough? Do I have anything to offer the world? My community? There was a lot of emotional baggage weighing me down, so I decided to put it down and begin to unpack.
Who am I?
I am my ancestors wildest dreams.
The wild came first, almost instantly. I felt out of control and overwhelmed. Unpacking trauma and things that weighed heavily on my heart brought days of deep emotions and there were times I felt I was drowning. I was overstimulated and having symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
Gradually…then suddenly
I woke up. I not only began discovering my desires but also communicating them to those around me who support me. I manifested a new life for myself through divine intention. As above, so below. I began making decisions guided by my newly found body practices, meditation, mindfulness and relationship with my intuition. I found the grounding support of the Earth beneath my feet, I rediscovered my Self and she is WILD! I softened toward allowance, I allowed myself to feel, to explore, to sit in joy, to deep belly laugh. I allowed transition to take place and I quit my “big girl” design job.
I threw myself into my personal yoga practice by beginning a job in a yoga studio and absorbed every source of philosophy, anatomy, meditation and consciousness. I spent years taking trainings, sitting at the feet of mentors and being guided spiritually. I shared space with clairvoyant souls and contacted my ancestors. I decolonized and rediscovered my magic and reinforced my belief in my abilities. It didn’t take long for me to realize that going deeper within myself was leading me back out into the world to serve. I looked at my community like I looked at my Self in the mirror, I showed up to help birthing people and learned to manage my gifts without resorting to burn out. I gave myself the allowance to tap into my ancestral knowledge and follow my lineage.
Instead of scraping the surface I gave my whole self to my endeavors and building the life I desired. I knew I wanted to facilitate educational spaces. I knew I wanted to SHOW UP for my community and uplift marginalized people. I knew that I wanted to help birthing people and all people source their lineal magic fueled by radical self love.
I am now an intuitive healing guide.
A social justice doula, a sensual energy alchemist, and light worker.
I was sent here for you. To serve and help light the way. I am living in my fullest and fulfilled existence and I want to use my intuitive and divine gifts to help you feel resourced, supported, healed and ready for your journey. And so it is!